January 27

Investing in Refugee, Asylum Seeker & Displaced Peoples’ Mental Health
The Victorian Pride Centre is the first purpose-built centre for Australia’s LGBTIQ+ communities
The LGBTQIA+ RASDP communities face unique challenges to addressing, improving, and maintaining their mental health and wellbeing whilst living in Australia and navigating Australian systems. These systems often add to the anxiety, depression, stress, and fear that many people from these communities experience in addition to layered discrimination [such as racist homophobia and xenophobic transphobia].
This panel and audience discussion will focus on the importance and timeliness of increasing support for the mental health of LGBTIQA+ RASDP communities. We will also touch on why the mental health sector needs to consider how mental health is conceptualised differently in different cultures and how this impacts upon the services, activities and support we can offer of the LGBTIQA+ RASDP communities. You will hear from mental health practitioners, LGBTQIA+ RASDP community members and allies.
$12-17 / Free for First Nations people and companions
Presented by The Iceberg Foundation
14:00 - 16:00